
Prompt File - Asset Creation Updated

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

To create assets from the Prompt File. Prompt file items can be sourced from various modules, this could be a journal Accounts Payable Invoice, or indeed a Sales Invoice (used for disposals) could also be used to create an entry in the prompt file.

Access the Prompt file

To access the Prompt file follow the menu options, Fixed Assets- FA Processes-Asset Maintenance-Prompt File-select the Search button to retrieve a list of transactions.

Create the Asset

Select the Asset you wish to create and then select the Asset Create button.

Press Enter on the keyboard this will highlight the mandatory fields.

You may change the description of the Asset.

Asset Number – enter the Asset Number

Group – if this field has not defaulted enter a group

Category – if this field has not defaulted enter a category

Location – enter a location for the asset

Move through each of the formats to check the details are correct.

Assign General Ledger Accounts to the Asset

Select the More:Go> Accounts button.

This will show which GL Accounts are posted to for Depreciation, Cost etc.

You can override these accounts, by typing in new codes.

Select the Return button.

Valuation of Asset

Select the More button followed by Valuations>Init Valuation.

Press enter on the keyboard for the values to default.

The Valuation and Amount and Effective Date will default.

You may amend the Depreciation Start Date.

Update the Asset

When you have completed all the tabs, select Save.

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Fixed Assets Period End & Depreciation Updated
