Why has my transaction not appeared on the payment run?
Updated by Caroline Buckland
When AP Payment Processing is run, the system will select all valid Supplier and transactions on to that schedule for payment but happens when an invoice hasn't been added and if you try to add the system will tell you ‘There are no unallocated transactions.’
Access the following the menus to check.
Accounts Payable>AP Enquiries>Transactions by Supplier
Enter the Supplier number and select Search.
Use the scroll bar to scroll to the right of the screen and locate the ‘Trans Auth Legend’ field.
To check who is the Authoriser – select the Transaction: Authorise button.
You can then chase up the authoriser and add the transactions to the payment run.
Access the Supplier Enquiries.
Accounts Payable>AP Enquiries>Transactions by Supplier
Enter the Supplier number and select Search.
Right click against the transaction to and select Transaction Amend (you are not going to amend anything) this just checks the transaction status.
An information message will be displayed to indicate it is locked. Use the Exit button to return to the enquiry screen.
Contact you system Administrator to unlock the transactions, they can run through all of the relevant checks to make sure it can be unlocked and it is not locked for a valid reason, i.e. it could still be processing if just authorised or updated in data entry. If you are unsure, raise a support case with Advanced.
A transactions can be unlocked from the Transactions By Supplier screen, by selecting the TRANSACTION>UNLOCK action. However, great care must be taken before this action is used. Any doubt you must raise a case with Advanced.
Access the following menus:
Accounts Payable>AP Processes>Transaction Maintenance>Suspend/Release
Make and entry in the selection window and select Search. If the transaction has a Y in the Suspension Ind field, then this must be released before it can be added to the payment run.
To release the transaction, select the Go: Release button followed Save.
Access the following menus:
Accounts Payable>AP Processes>Suppliers>Maintain Suppliers
Enter the supplier number in the selection window and select Search. Select the Edit: View button.
Click on the AP Cntrls option to access the Accounts Payable controls screen.
If the Hold Payment field is flagged, the supplier cannot be added to the payment schedule. Exit this screen and use the Amend action to remove the flag.