Transactions Enquiries

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

You can view transaction level information from this enquiry and link to source data.

Transaction Enquiries

The steps below describe the relevant steps required to access transaction enquiries.

There are several transaction enquiry options:

  • Account Code
  • Reference number
  • Reconciliation code
  • Batch type
  • Analysis code
  • Cost allocation log number
  • Project Code

All of the transaction enquiry options will give you the same information the difference between them all is what you will enter in the initial selection window.

For example, if you use reconciliation codes it may be that a transaction enquiry by reconciliation code will provide a means of summarising the details relating to a particular code quickly and efficiently.

 When using analysis codes if you enter a generic enquiry on an analysis code for example employees E% the system will display all employees codes that meet that search criteria.

To access the transaction enquiry screens: General Ledger>GL Enquiries-Transactions by Account Code enquiry.

If the field has a magnifying glass, it means that this field is promptable, and you can use Prompt to help find the code.
 Click the magnifying glass.
You can enter a code or description to limit your search.

 This will return you to the screen you came from, with your chosen code in the field.

Selection Window - Transactions by Account Code

You can enter any or all of the General Ledger account i.e Cost Centre, nominal etc

Remember you can use part accounts and %

If you are trying to locate a particular transaction, you may search for either one or more of the known details relating to the transaction such as the value or input date, you can do this by using the different selection formats to enter values, dates or any other known information.

Once the selection has been made you select Search.

Transactions List

There are several fields to view the scroll bar can be used to move to the right hand side of the screen.

This screen will show, General Ledger account, input dates, descriptions, values and where the transaction originated.

If for example the transaction is an invoice from Accounts Payable then select the GO: Linked Enquiry Link to Source button.

This will take you to the Accounts Payable enquiry screen where you can view more details.

Select the Exit button and that will take you back each step.

If the transaction originated in Accounts Receivable then the GO: AR Enquiry button must be used.

Journal Lines

To see all lines of a General Ledger journal select the Display: Jnl Btch Details button. 

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