Fixed Assets Reconciliation Reporting

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

Fixed Assets Reconciliation Reporting

Fixed Assets Procedure




Action Required

Inter Ledger Reconciliation FA to GL

Process: FR1

Schedule: CLDAUREC


Review the following reports daily;

Access the Spool: Systems Admin>Spool

In the report field enter RFRF01 FA – GL Daily Reconciliation Summary Report 

This report will show control totals for the GL/FA reconciliation process.

Record counts and value totals will be shown for items

  • found in FA but not in GL
  • items found in GL but not in FA
  • and items found in both systems but with differing values.

FA – GL Daily Missing Records Report (RFRF02)

This report will be sequenced by account and for each account will show details of items found in FA but missing in GL and vice versa.

The report will show details of the asset.

If the item is found in GL, the batch number and sequence will also be shown.

FA – GL Daily Mismatching Values Report (RFRF03)

This report will detail all postings where a discrepancy exists between the value in FA and the value in GL.

The report will be sequenced by account.

For each account shown, the report will provide details of the transaction and asset along with the values in FA and GL.

If there is an imbalance in the reports check postings made in both GL and FA.

Check the FA Financial Audit report (RFHJ01).

The report will provide details of all valuations made since the process was last run. It will also highlight any differences in the data.

If imbalance cannot be explained

  •  raise a case with Advanced

FA Audit

Process: FH2

Schedule: CLDAUREC


FH2 FA Financial Audit. 

The report RFHJ01 will provide details of all valuations made since the process was last run the previous day.

It will also highlight any differences in the data.

This can be used to investigate any differences between GL and FA highlighted by the Inter Ledger Reconciliation Process.

If imbalance cannot be explained

  • raise a case with Advanced

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