
Cash Allocation

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

A screen is available to manually allocate both debit and credit transactions. It is also possible to de-allocate previously matched transactions.

Cash Allocation Header

To access the allocation screen: Accounts Receivable-AR Processes-Cash Allocation-Allocation.

The header screen is displayed.

Ledger/Account: Enter the ledger and customer number for cash allocation

Location code: location you are allocating the cash to

Allocate To: Alternatively; if you have an invoice number, then enter this here and the customer number will be returned N.B if using the unallocated cash prompt the header details are pre-populated

When you have selected your customer account then select the Go>List button to go to the Allocation screen.

Cash Allocation screen

The sum of Allocation Values must balance to zero before you are able to update the allocation. The Cash value at the top of the screen will display the current allocation value as you select your allocations.

Credit balances e.g. cash have a negative sign Debit balances e.g. invoices have a positive sign. When entering an Allocation Value for a credit balance it must have a minus sign.

All outstanding transactions for a customer account are listed when you select Go>List.

Enter P in the Fn field.

P to Allocate: enter ‘P’ to pay against each transaction to be matched

Allocation Value: enter the total amount of the transaction to be matched.

Note that if this field is left blank then the system assumes that the Allocation Value is the outstanding amount on the transaction

Select the Save button once all transactions have been allocated.

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Customer Enquiry

Cash De-Allocation
