
Customer Enquiry

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

This document will provide guidance on how to view transaction data for a specific customer account.

Selection Criteria To access the customer enquiry screen:

Accounts Receivable - AR Enquiries- Transactions Enquiries – Transactions by Customer.

If the field has a magnifying glass, it means that this field is promptable, and you can use Prompt to help find the code.
 Select the magnifying glass.
You can enter a code or description to limit your search.
Use the return button to bring the code back to the field
Select the code followed by OK. This will return you to the screen you came from, with your chosen code in the field.

Enter the Ledger and Account and then select the Save button.

Primary Selection: you must enter the Account number of the customer that you wish to enquire upon

Secondary Selection: optional you can enter one or more of the fields to tailor your enquiry to specific transactions

Action Buttons: the buttons at the bottom of this window are a short cut to actions you may want to perform for this customer account

Customer Account Details

Summary details are shown for the customer account including; • Customer name and contact details • Information on outstanding balances • Details of Diary Notes held for this customer

These panels can be opened and closed by clicking on each in turn.

Transaction List

Once a transaction is highlighted select the Transaction option to access a list of actions, then these buttons are available to perform further enquiries on the transaction.

Detail: will display further information on the transaction

Payments: will list other transactions that have been matched to the selected transaction

Items: Review items on invoice for transaction

Query: Allow notes to be held against a transaction

Dispute: Allows a dispute to entered against a transaction the full amount or part amount can be disputed

To view the Customer Accounts actions, select the More button followed by Account.

Active Diary: Will take you to the diary list and display any customer dairy events, or you can insert a diary message.

Aged Debt: Allow access to aged debt analysis for transactions

Amend: You can amend the customer account details by selecting this action

Select other actions to investigate more.

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