Sundry Suppliers setup and Invoice processing
by Caroline Buckland
To create a Sundry Supplier.
Menu access Accounts Payable>AP Processes>Suppliers
- From the Maintain Supplier list use the Insert action. You will be presented with the Supplier name details.
Name Details
- In the Supplier field enter a prefix code (unless you have manual or automatic numbering set). The system will attach a numerical suffix to this when you update the supplier.
- Nominate the supplier type as Sundry.
- Input a supplier name of Sundry then your initials, together with a short name.
- Enter GBP in the currency field.
- Once these details are complete, use the Supplier Addresses action to access supplier address details.
Address Details
The address number will still be 0 add two lines of address (they can just be generic), as they will be different for every supplier. The real address will be added when the invoice is entered through Data Entry.
- Validate the screen and use the appropriate button to move to the Purchasing Controls.
Purchasing Controls
- Use the prompt action on the Category Code field to retrieve a list. Return a code of your choice.
- Validate the screen and the system will take you to the next format that needs an entry.
- Prompt for the Discount code.
- Move to the Settlement Terms field and use the prompt action to locate the code. Return this to the Purchasing Controls screen.
Tax Details
- Use the appropriate action to move to the tax details.
- Type in a Location of 'UK', a Tax Type.
- Validate the screen and the Tax Code will default.
- Enter a Handling code to represent the tax for this supplier to be for example Exclusive and Recoverable.
- Validate the screen again and you will be told that no default registration has been set.
- Insert a 'Y' in the Default field for the line you have entered.
- Use the appropriate action to move to the AP Controls.
Accounts Payable Controls
- Prompt for the Payment Method code to be used for suppliers wishing to be paid by BACS and return it to the input screen.
- In the payment code field enter the code for BACS payments. No other payment details are needed as they sort code and account number will added during data entry.
- If you are using ICA then access the Elements screen by clicking on the More>Go>Elements button. Enter the elements and update. If not using ICA just use the update action.
To enter an invoice for a sundry supplier.
- Access the Data Entry menu from the AP Main Menu then select Enter Invoices.
Transaction Header
- Enter the following details:
- Received Date
- Supplier
- Reference
- Date
- Gross Amt
- Tax Amt
- Access the Sundry Details tab transaction header screen to enter the payee name and address.
- Payee Name
- Address
- Sort Code
- Account Number
- Select the More button followed by Edit then Lines action and enter the following:
- Line Description
- Invoice Price
- Invoice Quantity
- GL Account details
- Now validate, ensure there are no messages and update the transaction.