Create a Customer Account
Updated by Caroline Buckland
The process
New customer accounts are to be manually entered and maintained. This document will describe the steps required to create or maintain a customer account.
Creating a new customer
To access the customer creation screen: Accounts Receivable - AR Processes - Customers-Maintain Customers.
From the List screen select the Insert button
The customer Name screen is displayed
Account: select a prefix code for the account. A unique sequential number will be generated on update.
Name: the full customer’s name
Short Name: a suitable abbreviated name that will be used to search for this account.
Customer Controls
Select the Customers controls option.
This where you can enter Payment terms, currency codes, category codes to and more. Some of these controls during data entry for can be changed during processing.
Payment Terms: override the default Payment Terms (14 days).
Sundry Account Flag: tick this box if the customer account is to be a sundry account.
Dunning Controls: tick this box to not report on outstanding invoices for this account.
Monthly Statement: tick this box to print a monthly statement.
Other controls can be set here, including dunning (chase letters)), credit control limits and more. Select each tab to access more information.
Customer Address
Select the Customers address option.
Enter the customer address details, email and contact details can be entered by selecting the formats on the left hand side of the page.
Address Lines 1 to 6: up to five address lines may be entered
Post Code: enter post code
Contact Details: enter a contact name (Forename, Surname)
Telephone Number: enter contact telephone number
Mobile Number: enter a second contact number
e-Mail: if entered this will allow email of printed documents
Enter at least one address line. The Address Number must be set to zero (0), this acts as the default addresses for the customer.
Other addresses can also be maintained such as old address details or different billing addresses.
Customer Tax
Select the Customers tax option.
A default Tax code is required but normally the tax code will be entered on the invoice line.
Tax Code: set a default Tax Code
Default Flag: set this to ‘Y’
Tax Location / Tax Type: will default in
Customer Bank
Select the Customers bank account option.
Optionally you can hold customer bank details if Direct debits are to be setup for this customer.
Use the Save button to create the Customer account.
Select back on the Customer Address format and select the Elements button.
Enter all required elements and then select Save to update the customer account.
A message is displayed to indicate you customer has been created.