Closing Module Periods

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

If modules within Financials need to be closed for a period, other than the General Ledger module, the following process should be followed. There is a separate process for closing a General Ledger period.

We recommend that you check the Daily Checks menu before closing any system periods. In particular, check System Dashboard for any batches not fully processed as this could result in postings to an incorrect period. The Task Queue Controller should also be checked for any failed or task running.

For system admin users, this is program EDX to deny access to closed and future periods and years.

1. Closing a Period

To access the Close Periods screen: General Ledger – GL Processes – Period/Year End Close – GL Period and Year End

2. Selecting a Company

Enter the company code in the selection window and select Search.

Highlight the company you wish to close periods for. 

Select the Close: Close Sys Periods at the button.

3. Changing the Period

Choose the module(s) that needs to be closed and enter the new period number into the Period field on the right-hand side.

The General Ledger will be protected as you will close this later.

Select Save to update


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Close the GL Period
