General Ledger Reconciliation Reporting

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

General Ledger Audit Reconciliation Procedures

General Ledger Procedure




Action Required


System Control Report

Process:  EA1

Schedule: CLDAUREC


GL System Control Report (REAR01)

Access the Spool: Systems Admin>Spool

In the report field enter REAR01

Ensure that the total debit and credit values agree and the total and accumulated values agree.

The REAR01 report covers

  • The company as a Total audit balance

This Report compares input transactions against the system controls values.

Finally ensure total debits/credits posted agree to debits/credits processed against REEK01 GL Audit: Financial Company Summary.  Enter REEK01 in the report field.

If out of balance

Raise a case with Advanced.


GL Audit Reports

Process: ED4

Schedule: CLDAUREC


Financial Company Summary (REEK01) access the spool: System Admin>Spool Enter REEK01 in the report field.

Total debits and credits processed should agree to total additions on the REAR01 System Control Report. –

The total additions are the total of new journals successfully posted to the General Ledger.

GL Audit: Financial Batch Summary (REEK02) Enter REEK02 in the report field.

Gives a one-line summary of all batches of transactions processed or cancelled.

This report provides a Company total at last page of report for Debits and credits and these totals should match REEK01.

Optional reports :

GL Audit: Financial Batch Summary (Currency) (REEK03) Enter REEK03 in the report field.

In addition to the detail on REEK02, this report gives the base and foreign totals as well as the currency information.

This report is not required as the REEK02 addresses base currency.

GL Audit: Financial Batch Detail (Base Currency) (REEK04) Enter REEK04 in the report field.

This report also displays all transactions in the Batch with Base and Foreign Currency values.

GL Audit Financial Batch Detail (Currency) (REEK05) Enter REEK05 in the report field.

As well as the batch level data from REEK03, this report also displays all transactions in each batch in base and foreign currency values.

GL Audit: Financial Full Detail (REEK06) Enter REEK06 in the report field.

This report displays all detail from REEK05 as well as data relating to the source of the transaction and any analysis codes and reconciliation codes entered with the transaction.


Common Audit Print

Process: AZ1

Schedule: CLDSYSAC


Audit Report (RAZA01)  Enter RAZA01 in the report field.

- Non Company Audit (RAZA01)

 - Company Audit (RAZA01)

These reports should be reviewed to ensure any changes to the static data are in order.

Non-company refers to changes to static data such as currency and country codes (that could potentially be used by any new company added at a later date.)

Company Data refers to specific data such as suppliers, customers and Nominal Accounts to a specific company code.


Common Deferred Purge

Process: ZA1

Schedule: CLDSYSST


Successful Deferred Purges Report (RZAW01) Enter RZAW01 in the report field.

No action, other than to verify those codes that have been purged.

Failed Deferred Purges Report (RZAW02) Enter RZAW02 in the report field.

These must be actioned to verify why the items failed to be purged.

·  If these were flagged for purge in error the item should be removed from the deferred purge list.


GL Deferred Purge

Process: EZ1

Schedule: CLDSYSST


Successful Deferred Purges Report (REZ701) Enter REZ701 in the report field.

No action, other than to verify those codes that have been purged.

Failed Deferred Purges Report (REZ702) Enter REZ702 in the report field.

These must be actioned to verify why the items failed to be purged.

If these were flagged for purge in error e.g. a nominal still has balances retained then the item should be removed from the deferred purge list.


Structure Rebuild

Process: EP3

Schedule: CLDGLMTH


Structure Menu

If requests for Structure Elements to be moved/removed from any of the Structures is requested during the day.

Process EP3 will be enabled to run monthly against the batch Schedule. This can be run manually from the Maintain GL Structures menu.

General Ledger>GL Chart of Accounts>Maintain GL Structures>Structure Rebuild Process.

To verify that EP3 has run successfully

  • check Structure Definition/Controls to ensure the Status is blank

Before the rebuild it would have been A (Amended).

General Ledger>GL Chart of Accounts>Maintain GL Structures>Structure Definition/Control (two separate options).

Check Structure Enquiries to ensure balances are shown correctly.

General Ledger>GL Enquiries>Structure Net Balance Enquiry


Rebuild – Group/Category 

Process: EP5

Schedule: CLDGLMTH


Requests for Nominal Accounts to be moved to different Groups/Categories during the day

  •  the balances will be amended via Process EP5
  •  which will be enabled to monthly against the batch Schedule. (there is no menu option for this report)

 General Ledger>GL Enquiries>Balance Sheet and PL Enquiry

Check Group/Category enquiries against Balance Sheet / Profit and Loss to ensure changes are reflected correctly.


Balance Sheet Enquiry (MEJI)

Balance Sheet Enquiry (MEJI)

General Ledger>GL Enquiries>Balance Sheet and PL Enquiry

Check Balance Sheet(s) balance to zero.

Once morning checks completed and system is reconciled.

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