June Release 2024 - New UI Improvements

Tauqeer Hussain Updated by Tauqeer Hussain

June Release

The June Release was aimed at providing key fixes for issues which have been highlighted by customers and internal stakeholders. As well as a range of T3 issues which have been prioritised along with the re-introduction of buttons on certain screens to improve the user experience by allowing for key actions to be more available.

 Minor Enhancements:

Quick Closure of Menu Items

Users now have the ability to quickly close sessions in the ‘Sessions’ tab. This is by clicking the 'x’ icon which is besides the session tab as below

End Session Confirmation

There has also been an introduction of a new preference setting which enables and disables the ability for users to see the dialog box when closing a session.

This is to allow for quick closure of sessions, so that users are able to close sessions without repeatedly seeing the confirmation dialog to confirm that they would like to close a session. Allowing a user to have fewer clicks and repeated actions in the performing the simple action.

After receiving early stakeholder feedback, the need for users to be able to close and open the alerts panel regardless of user interaction was made clear.

We have therefore improved the menu alerts by removing automatic opening and closure when alerts are raised or sessions are changed.

Keyboard Tabbing Improvements

In the wizard workflow, users can now use spacebar and tab to navigate through the entire workflow.

Button Re-introduction Improvements

MEOC: Manual Reconciliation Screens

The buttons were added by manual finessing in all in-scope subscreens of ME0C map: 13,14,15,16.

Removing the ‘Update Reconciliation’ button as both ‘Update Reconciliation’ and ‘Save’ have same action id.

The actions were previously in the kebab menu of the page, however the buttons have been re-introduced in the same style of the ‘Selection Panel’ and page action buttons. With data grid actions available in the blue selection panel, and page actions in a global position above the AG Grid (Reconcile Selected, Matched, GL Journal, Link Enquiry, Search:OR..).

MODB: Document Line Detail Edit

The ‘Header’ button have now been re-introduced within the details tab.

MGKH: Transaction Logging

Frequently used buttons have now been introduced to GKH. Buttons which are introduced are ‘New Transaction’ & ‘Validate’.

MADB: Security Group Edit

The ‘Denials’, ‘Functional Hierarchy’ & ‘Data Hierarchy’ buttons have been reintroduced.

MPBA: Account Details

The ‘All Trans’ & ‘O/S Trans’ buttons have been reintroduced.

MHBA: Return to Store Line Details Edit

The ‘Header’ button is now present above the AG Data Grid.

MFEA & MFEB: Valuation List

The ‘History’ button has been added to the screen MFEA & MFEB screens for quicker access as it is a common action.

MFJA: Valuation Forecast Parameters

The ‘Forecast Display’, ‘Valuation’ & ‘Forecast: Details’ buttons have been added to the screen for quicker access as they are common actions.

MFJC: Depreciation Forecast Display

The ‘Parameters’ button has been added to the screen for quicker access as it is a common action.

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May Release 2024 - New UI Improvements
