Chart Functionality

Tauqeer Hussain Updated by Tauqeer Hussain


Modernised Chart Functionality

The chart functionality can be accessed universally across the Financials application using a button placed underneath the data grid as per the below:

Upon clicking this button, users will be able to view a plethora of the most commonly used charts using the parameter selection pane on the left hand side of the screen.

Configuring Data Parameters

Once the 'View Chart' button is selected, users will have the ability to select various parameters as per their export requirements in order to formulate what they want to be presented in the charts on the right side.

Hide Settings:

Users can also select the 'Hide Settings' button to increase the visibility of the charts which are present on the right side of the screen.


For users who wish to save the parameters that they use for more regular access of the chart functionality, then they have the ability to create and save default profiles as well as storing various profiles of data.

To save a new Profile, simply enter the name of the profile after entering your parameters from the left pane, and enter the name you wish to use. As in the example below 'Default Selection 1'.

Upon clicking 'Save', your most recent profile will automatically become your default selection. After which you can save more profiles and use the drop down to select which you'd prefer to use.

The options highlighted above will allow for users to rename, remove, update and select default profile for selection.

To alternate between available charts for selection, use the primary drop down selection labelled 'Column Chart' and choose between which is most appropriate:

Column Chart

Bar Chart

Line Chart

Pie Chart

Area Chart

Step Line Chart

Export or Print Chart Data

Users also have the ability to print and export the charts that are available through selection. Either with or without the corresponding data.

These options can be found as a primary action drop down field in the top right corner of the application as shown below:

This will open the charts on a separate tab where they can be downloaded as a pdf.

‘Print with data’ allows users to open a new tab displaying the chart along with the accompanying data table. When the number of columns in the Data Grid is 7 or fewer, the "Print with Chart" option opens a new window and displays the AG Grid and the chart on the same page.

When the number of columns in the AG Grid exceeds 7, the "Print with Chart" option downloads a CSV file containing the AG Grid data and opens a new window that displays only the chart, without the AG Grid.

This is to ensure optimum export capabilities to maximise the ability to view charts along with the related data in Financials.

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