
Create & Copy Invoices/Credit Notes

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

When you identify a charge for goods or services, which are to be billed to a ‘customer’, then you must raise a sales invoice. This records what the customer is to be charged for, what the value of the charge is, the applicable VAT code and amount and which cost centre the sales income will be posted to.

When you complete the invoice it will be emailed to the customer (or emailed internally if no customer email address exists). The invoice details are recorded against the customer account.

Creating an Invoice

To access the invoice creation screen:

Accounts Receivable-AR Processes-AR Data Entry-Insert Invoice / Credit Note. The Header details at the top of the screen should be completed first.

If the field has a magnifying glass, it means that this field is promptable, and you can use Prompt to help find the code.
Select the magnifying glass.
You can enter a code or description to limit your search.
Select the code followed by OK. This will return you to the screen you came from, with your chosen code in the field.

Document: prompt to select the appropriate Prefix Code (see panel to the right for the Prompt action). A sequential number will be created on update

Document Type: select for Invoice or Credit Note

Select the Save button. This will validate the codes you enter and take you to the Lines format.

Enter the following information.

Ledger: Select the ledger as appropriate

Account: the customer number you wish to send the invoice to

Element: Enter the element if used for your organisation

Location Code: the location of the organisation the invoice/credit belongs to

Allocation Reference: If raising a Credit Note, enter the invoice number you wish to match the credit note against in this field

Line Details

Scroll down to the line details.

Line Type: Choose Standard or Value

Description: enter description of charge

Qty: Enter the quantity of the item on the invoice

Price: enter the charge value, note if you enter Qty and Price the line Nett Value will be calculated in Base Value

UOM: Confirm the unit of measure for the item

GL Details/Tax Controls

Scroll along to enter the required GL account for the income to be posted to. Remember you can Prompt to help find the GL code.

Confirm the Tax code and Type for the invoice. Remember you can Prompt to help find the appropriate codes

Additional Text

As well as the Description text on each invoice line, there is additional text that can also be entered. This consists of Header text which will be printed before the invoice lines and Line text which will be printed after the appropriate invoice line. Access the line text by selecting Go: button and select Line Text.

Enter the extra text details.

Select the More button and select Go/ Document button to get back to the Invoice header.

The Text Exists flag on the invoice line will let you know that additional text has been entered for this invoice line.

Once complete, Save. A message will appear to indicate the document has been created.

Copy an Invoice

To copy an invoice:

  1. Select List Invoices/Credit Notes from the AR Data Entry menu
  2. At the selection window Document field enter the invoice number you want to copy.
  3. Select Search.
  4. The original invoice will be listed.
  5. Click the Edit / Copy action.
  6. Edit the copied invoice and select Save to generate a new invoice
Sundry Customer Invoice

Sundry Customers allow ‘one-off’ invoices to be raised without creating a new customer account. When the account entered on the invoice is a sundry account then the users is prompted to enter the Name and Address details.

Enter the header and line details as described above then select the Miscellaneous tab and the Sundry Customer Address fields are displayed.

Enter the Billing Address fields, the Delivery Address is automatically copied from the Billing Address entered.

Once complete, select Save.

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