Generic Actions

Tauqeer Hussain Updated by Tauqeer Hussain

Generic Actions

With the new shell and page header replacing the pulldown menus and toolbar, we now have a new set of global actions replacing the Previous UI. This is as we had a duplication of actions on the system as well as naming improvements which have been made.


In the previous UI, Exit was available as a pulldown item as well as a button.

Exit, is now placed on the top-right hand side of the application globally, regardless of what you are viewing for consistency.


Cancel is also manually added to the footer buttons on screens in the previous UI, but now labelled as ‘Return’. This is to better clarify the difference between Exit (Closing a screen/workflow) and ‘Return’ which will return you to the previous step.

Again the Return button will be placed in the same global position across the entire application.


Normally there is only 'General Help' which is on the toolbar.

Previous UI:

The Help Icon is displayed at the end of the header:


Current UI

New UI

Update warning is no longer needed in the UI as it has the same function as ‘Update’ which is now a primary action which is globally renamed as ‘Save’.


Current UI

Prompt has been placed under the ‘More’ Kebab menu, as previously described.

Back & Forward


New UI (vertical scroll bar is implemented in AG grid instead of buttons)

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