
Supplier and Transaction Diary

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process

The Transactions by Supplier enquiry will allow you to add Supplier Diary messages or individual Transaction diary message. These can useful if you multiple staff dealing with suppliers or wish to record any important information for other team members to view.

Supplier Diary

The steps below describe the relevant steps required to create a Supplier Diary message.

To access the transaction enquiry screens select: Accounts Payable-AP Enquiries-Transactions by Supplier.

In the Selection window enter a supplier code and the Search button.  You do have additional fields available to break down the search criteria further.

Supplier Diary

Select the Supplier pull down menu followed by Diary. 


If a diary event already exists it will be listed – select the Amend icon to view more details or use the Insert button to create a new event.

Supplier Diary Insert Screen

Enter an Event Date.

Contact Name, Telephone number and Diary Code are optional fields. 

Enter text in the Actions field.

Once complete select the Save action. 

Use the Exit action until you get back to the Supplier Transaction Enquiry Screen.

The diary count for the supplier is then displayed in the summary area of the screen. 

Transaction Diary

This can be used to record information relating to transaction disputes or why a transaction is suspend from payment.

To access the transaction enquiry screens: Accounts Payable-AP Enquiries-Transactions by Supplier.

Insert Transaction Diary

Retrieve the Supplier, by following the steps above.

Select the transaction followed by the Transaction: Diary option.

If a diary event already exists it will be listed – select the Amend or View option to view more details or use the Insert action to create a new event.

Enter an Event Date and Reference.

Contact Name and Telephone number are optional fields.

Enter text in the Diary Line field.

Once complete select the Save button.

Scroll along to the right of the enquiry screen to see the Trans Diary Count field.

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Enquiries Transactions by Supplier
