
Useful information to include when raising Financials cases

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

Useful information to include when raising Financials cases

When raising a support case please consider whether any of the below information should be included. This could potentially assist the support team in providing a faster resolution.

User ID of user affected:

If your issue or query relates to a specific user or users (i.e. this is not a system-wide issue affecting all users) then please provide the user(s) affected. This will allow the consultant to review this user’s access and permissions.


If your issue or query is specific to a document, transaction or account then please provide the reference. This will allow the consultant to review the data in your system without needing to ask for this information. Examples include:

·       Order Reference

·       System Reference Number

·       Transaction Reference

·       Supplier Name

·       Customer Name

·       Asset Reference

Screenshots for error messages:

If your issue or query relates to an on-screen error message then a screenshot of the whole screen is always useful along with a brief annotation of the user’s action prior to the error – “The error appeared when the user pressed Update” for example. This gives the consultant the full context around the error and will help them to advise of the next steps. Please also include the Username of the affected user.

ITK files or any other takeon or interface issues:

If your issue relates to the takeon of data, such as via an ITK, then please let us know which ITK this is and attach the relevant csv file to the case. This gives the consultant the opportunity to review the data contained in the file for any syntactical errors.

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